When ever i am feeling unnecessary pain or it is being caused and inflicted by someone in the afterlife (the voices that I hear in my head - Please click here for more information) with the use of hypnotics & done without a proper reason it is sometimes worth trying to make thr person that is dishing out the pain feel what i feel so hopefully they will stop or at least have some kind of remorse. But what happens is that soul puts on it reverse or opposite so that they feel good & fantastic instead of pain & harm or they scream so loud someone comes to their aid whilst i am still left in pain trying not to cry my eyes out. Because i am human when i am in pain caused by the souls in the afterlife i cannot scream in my head as it was not designed to do that & if i scream out loud I will end up hospitalized. How can they let souls get away with this without consequences? The afterlife has some good souls but mostly is total fuckwitz city! Total fuckwitz are easy to spot because they do not have white light around them! (for more information regarding white light please click here).
The pain can be anything from testicular & groin pain, throat, teeth, & back pain through to severe head & eye pains!
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