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Monday, 25 April 2011


Photo 1. Merv. Please click to enlarge

Please put out an ATB immediately on luxury Mercedes Benz Automobile answers by the name or 'Merv' the Merc who took owner Jock Hudson on a screaming joy ride & made him look like an inflatable sex doll & all caught on Police Camera (3rd Pic on left hand side). 

Photo 2. Merv. Here Rockin 19 inch AMG Wheels
Police had already suspected the pair as being high speed enjoyers and clearly labelling them as being a "Get away vehicle". Get away from what? They are still unsure! Original condition (Photo 1) and (Photo 2) after me upgrading Merv? Those rockin 19"inch AMG wheels (hence why I tried taking bumper off - Please see Photo right) were way too big & rubbed on guards and bumper going around corners! Tyres got retreaded every bend! Hehehe. I guess 18 inch may have been way to go! LOL But damn they looked good... was worth a try! Luckily i managed to sell the 19 inch AMG wheels which were too big & put original ones back on him. Since everyone was going matte black i decided i wanted to go matte grey but mostly got high on paint fumes which worried my concerned neighbors! I was Loving the Matte Grey look PLUS the best part about that matte grey look is that it is actually sandable primer spray paint so if you overspray or screw it up... you can fix it easily with sand paper once its dry! How FANTASTIC is that!

Wanna see more of Merv and find out what mischief he & Jock Hudson have been in? 
Please read on by clicking the link below.

Local residents have heard & seen Mercedes Benz named Merv and his owner who apologises for letting him go that bit too far with fun that day as they sped up in an attempt to make it through the lights. "For the next few weeks I'm restricting Merv to only slow curb cruising and I'll even go as far as saying no more drive thru's either until his behaviour improves!" says Jock Hudson

Photo 3. Merv. Here after first eye lift (left headlight)

Court Date has been set at Superior Court of California - Friday 13th January 2012 - Bail amount $479.00 - Hmmmmm more expensive than any sex doll i seen! I think they have my name around the wrong way when i renewed my license that never arrived in the post & they kept giving me a temporary one so i guess they are looking for someone that does not exist! SCORE! They have my first name & my middle name around the wrong way, hence why the red light camera fine was $760 because my license & car registration did not match up. Also why i managed to escape any offence from skipping out on the court appearance & consequently each time i return to the USA there is no warrant out for my arrest.

Sadly when i left L.A in a hurry for self preservation (Please click here for more information) I gave Merv away to a friend (My old room mate) who tried to treat him well by taking  him to the mechanics for a service but unfortunately as my old room mate who is an Australian was having US VISA problems for quite a long period my poor Merv got left abandoned :(

Thanks to EarsParadise4thCh (

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