My FULL Story starts on date 19/01/2009 - Story Blog Post 0 - BEST VIEWED ON A PC/LAPTOP as it LOOK LESS SKETCHY! Thank you for viewing.

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Thursday 31 March 2011


On this day & date, i was not taking photos of myself instead i lay on the floor wedged in the door way praying for another seizure (Body Spams) to finally end! I say the seizures are caused by the voices i am hearing in my head.

It seems each time a seizures occurs & all my body parts are moving without my control & i am crashing around on the floor my only hope is to scramble to the nearest doorway not to take a picture of myself like seen above but instead an open door is something i can wedge myself in-between and then form a way to stop hurting myself & doing more damage to myself whilst i have no control or way of stopping my body parts from moving & hitting things around the room each time. 
Being stuck in-between each side of the door frame (knees against one side and back of neck against the other) means that my body parts & limbs which i am unable to control are restricted causing less damage during the painful convulsions. (No response time? = No time to stop afterlife moving my body parts when distracted by their voices?) 
(Please click here for more info on why this is a problem.) 

This seems to happen to me most weeks.

Otherwise being stuck between the spokes of a large wheel like a chariot or wagon wheel especially if i was younger, say the age of a 3.5 almost 4 year old like my soul is meant to be aged, then a wheel would keep me safe (Please click here for more information).

Thanks to MrSuicideSheep (

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