Raising your middle finger should be enough said to unpleasant souls? Or not enough said?
Unpleasant souls are those filled with jealousy & hatred toward anyone that doesn't kiss their ass, that realistically need not just a kick up the ass or seat of the pants... but a damn foot right up their ass sideways & with good force to reduce their complaining of even how that is done!
If your one of these souls and want revenge coz your ass wasn't kissed, your never gonna get it coz the beautiful souls that do not need to ass kiss & are good ass kickers in this world are still gonna look better than you if they shoved their foot up your ass sideways as they kicked your ass even if they didn't use lube!
PLUS why waist time with revenge and jealousy, which is never a good look, when you could be spending your time doing something you love & is a much better look?
I seriously cannot understand how people can waist time with jealousy & revenge rather than doing something enjoyable & that they should love instead... much more productive if you ask me.... Remember the TV series "Revenge" that was great viewing but please stop & think... to get revenge for her dad's death, she's not with the man she loves, she spends all her time unhappy ruining other people's lives which is bad kharma, she ends up with no family she loves & to call her own, she waisted how many years focused on doing bad evil things to others and so on... why? a quick unlasting rush from jealousy & revenge seems enough for some people to thrive on doing things that way... sad really!
Try doing things eternally better & enjoyable rather than jealousy & revenge! If she had spent the last, i do not know how many years, focusing on enjoyment & doing things she loved, would the nasty ones not be far more jealous & angry when she is having a fun & good life. It would be far more revenge than any of the revenge she committed during the TV series???
Would i perhaps be an unpleasant soul? Maybe do not answer that!
Do you need clarification on what unpleasant really is? Please read on by clicking the link below.