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Saturday, 20 July 2019


"Freeda" the Land Rover Freelander was a car with a spirit & a caring personality of her own & she had HIV? Her engine caused excessive wear & tear & engine break-downs. 
Her Land Rover cam shafts were designed badly only to ever cause her engine problems! Like timing belt breakage, head gasket blowing... over & over... so some days she thought she was a tractor & sounded like one too & some days she would burp & fart the whole time we were going somewhere & some days she wouldn't feel like going at all! Sadly because Hornburg Land Rover overcharged on the service fees i ended up needing the Bureau of Automotive Repairs to investigate Hornburg Land Rover & ended up in court fighting about her as they reclaimed over charges i could not pay for. But i did love Freeda. Her engine had an immune problem (will always break down) like she had HIV! Even after the service fix it was said i might only get 15,000 miles out of her if i was lucky. Hornburg Land Rover located on Wilcox Avenue was trying to get her a totally new engine to resolve the problem but after 6 months they gave up & simply tried recalibrating the cam shafts (useless) which meant i had now been without a car for an entire year. Grrrrrrrrrrr doing the groceries & going to the gym on the bus or in style on my push bike. One day i got on the bus with only $100 notes & the bus driver just looked at me funny & let me ride for free. LOL. 

Wanna hear how Freeda stopped me from speeding & micro-sleeping? Please read on by clicking the link below.

Going to San Diego Pride party Sunday afternoon I was driving way too fast & the police would have given me a speeding ticket! I kept thinking i better slow down or the police will be after me when all of a sudden Freeda decided to put her "service engine" red light on & slow me down. When i took my foot off the accelerator she dropped speed, so i firmly held foot on accelerator pedal to stop her slowing down anymore, was now travelling at right on the speed limit & i was totally freaking out & worried if i took foot off accelerator would speed drop completely & then all that would be left to do is pull over and then if stopped would i need a toe truck, would i be broken down completely? but in the panic i kept on going, luckily not traffic to stop for going through Orange County & kept going until when the San Diego exit came near her service engine light switched off & I had full power again! Freak out over and no speeding ticket. Freeda now going again a ok. Lol

On another occasion as I was driving home from Palm Springs i was tired & started micro sleeping! Very dangerous! I was actually thinking i seriously need to get out of the car & walk around to stop micro-sleeping & wake myself up when all of a sudden Freeda let off a big bang & switched herself off completely. Lights & everything! I travelling with enough speed that with the engine & everything switched off i was still able to keep rolling until i reached an emergency phone. I got out, walked around the car, exactly what i needed to do in order to wake up & wondering what had happened! Mechanically minded as i am i didn't look under her hood coz i wouldn't know what i was looking at anyways so I figured I would try starting her... & she started first go! She just wanted to wake me up & not crash asleep at the wheel! GRIN :)

I miss her a lot. Sadly at Hornburg Land Rover on Wilcox Avenue, Hollywood by 2008/9 I sadly lost her. 
Rest in Peace Freeda. X X X.

Sadly i did have finance on Freeda too which luckily i reached settlement with the bank which my parents gave me money to pay out. Zachary Selig was guarantor for the car loan & if i wanted to be nasty i should have just left it to him & he would have had to pay the outstanding loan amount ($6500) & let it be his problem but i was too nice, but it should give me good karma. LOL.  

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