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Monday, 15 June 2020


Lets face it, sometime when your feeling down nothing feels better to venture down to the shops and purchase yourself a little pressy or two? or three? or four? or aaaaaaaaah hopefully their is a limit to how much therapy you need?

Let us be blunt, when the reality of how much money you just burnt during that fix of retail therapy hits home it gives a nasty comedown! ooooooooooooh lord i had retail therapy today it was so good i needed to touch myself! LOL

How to overcome nasty comedowns from Retail therapy? Please read on by clicking link below.

Oh my Lordy yes...  reality has set in & knowing how much I spent today.... seriously all i can say is oooooooooouch!

Back when i lived in West Hollywood California after one too many crash and burn visits to the Beverly Centre where i had retail therapy only to discover how much money i spent ruined the therapy to a point that you would think i was a manic depressant, i discovered how to do retail therapy the right way and with no nasty comedown!. 

The 99 cent store on the corner of La Brea and Willoughby, West Hollywood CA (USA) is where to go. 

OMG OMG OMG i cannot tell you how good retail therapy there can be. Forget three or four... you can purchase twenty or even forty items and the worst case scenario is you only blew $40! No nasty come down afterwards when you do that i assure you when the reality of how much you spent comes crashing home like usual with any other retail therapy especially if you used your credit card!

Hell yeah... Bring it on! This is the place to go for full blown retail therapy is what i say! LOL. 

Thank you to Alan Braxe and Electrohouse72 for posting this at Subscribe here:

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