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Thursday 25 January 2024


Wonderful friends, Tara, Kieren, Me, Andrew, Lenie & Robbie
19th January 2024 was my 47th Birthday & to celebrate i had dinner with friends at Tropicana (Please see Photo). Sadly even on my birthday the number of women in my head with the world's worst oras & without White Light (Please click here for more information) around them treating me like shit that even on my birthday i did not have the best day. I managed to get my hands on some Pot, yes marijuana, and it was not until this week when i smoked it that it had an amazing effect or i do believe someone that i hold all the love in the world for (Present (Please click here for more information)) took affirmative action. Karl Josef Silberbauer & Jenny Rothschild that took turns in making my life misery passed on/reincarnated & around 500 women that had spent at least 3 years doing nothing but "Harness" (Please click here for more information) & treat me like shit. Why? Because i have always been treated like shit so they had no self control to stop. They all passed on/reincarnated. OMG HAAAALEYYYYAAA! HOW FANTASTIC, WHAT I COULD ONLY DREAM OF HAVING DONE FOR MY BIRTHDAY. However, the large numbers of women that observed the 500 Hypnotic Whores (Please click here for more information) that have now decided to take up from where they left off is seriously doing my head in. 

I cannot handle in my head how many women have decided because of what they seen the other women do (harness & treat me worse than shit for at least 3 years or longer) that they will now do the same???

Sick of hearing in my head that i am an asshole when i do my best not to be one!

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