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Tuesday, 29 June 2021


On this day back in 2017 i finally quit buying cigarettes. I was almost a pack a day - Seriously unhealthy & it needed to stop.

How to quit smoking? My Advice. 
Set yourself a date, for example in 3-4 weeks time i will quit smoking & get used to the idea as the 3-4 weeks runs out & learn that you will no longer be smoking ever again or as i prefer to say you will NEVER buy a packet of cigarettes again. I posted this pic of me smoking on Facebook since i never looked good smoking to help myself with the date i stopped.

Please note: From time to time in the future you will have the urge to smoke especially if someone you know still smokes. Having a cigarette from time to time or once in a blue moon is ok, if you find a friend willing to give you one, as long as you DO NOT buy a pack. I admit since i quit buying cigarettes i have had one or two here and there, which luckily will not kill you, however i have STUCK to my commitment of NEVER buying a packet again which means, NEVER buying a pack, you have NOT taken up the habit again. Smoking will kill you so you need to quit.

The hardest thing about giving up smoking is missing the ritual that goes with it. i used always find if i was having a bad day i could always think it was because i had not had a cigarette & then once i had a cigarette then bad day over, plus inhaling & watching exhaled smoke was enough to make any bad day enjoyable.

Nicorette Quickmist Spray administers one ml of Nicotine giving a rush enough to remove cravings. I found gum & locensgers & enhalaurs did not administer enough rush to reduce a cigarette fix. Too many squirts of the Nicorette Quickmist Spray gives severe rush & you could vomit or feel nauseous so it works i assure you.  

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