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Thursday 30 September 2021


I have been told tonight that all the stars in the sky are inline again? The last time this occurred believe it or not was when it was my birthday when i turned 44 years old. (Please click  here for more information). So what does this mean? I was hoping a celebration that i get gifted my life back and everyone lives happily? Both down here on Earth or up there in the Afterlife? 

But something tells me tonight maybe the mark of the date of the beginning of the end? I hope not!

So sad when the answers to avoid world warning number three which maybe the last & final warning given were easy to follow? The biggest problem (Hypnotics) - (Please click here for more information) have been increased instead of removed? Anything worthwhile does not need a Hypnotic! (Please click here for more information). What about the feeling you get from someone being interested in you, the feeling of tingles when you glow, the sensation of an orgasm & old fashioned fun... But then all this has been taken away from me & no-one seems to rediscover how good it all can feel? What about souls having the white light around them (Please click here for more information) which i have somehow still have around me. Seems the afterlife is still more concerned with protecting those without white light & those that "harness". Harnessing is basically leeching anything good out of a soul & not letting the soul that you are getting the feel good effect from feel anything. You can even harness a person's orgasm so that you feel it & the person does not feel the slightest tingle down their spine. (For more information pleases click here). They would feel nothing! As of 01//11/2022 I have now missed out on feeling a total of 99 orgasms. I have not even felt the slightest goosebump down my spine as i know you should feel when having an orgasm! 

Who cares anyway? Was the afterlife warned? Please read on by clicking link below.

What is funny about the afterlife being told they should protect the youngest soul imaginable is that on 10/12/2021 i discovered that they were not all told in recent times but in-fact told back in the year 2013???. (Please click here to see photo of the High Frequency Orb that told them all that). 
So should i have felt protected since then or did some nasty soul under Karl Josef Silberbauer's (Please click here for more information) trick the afterlife with a hypnotic (Please click here for more information) & place the protection on some soul in the afterlife that did not not need it? If you check out blog post 47 where the Orb is easily seen in posted photo which was taken back in 2013 (please click here to go to post) & it shows the "High Frequency Protection Orb" that told them. Evidence that the afterlife was warned. 

Clearly no protection for that many years would cause what consequences (Please click here for more information) to the afterlife for ignoring it, & ignoring me even though i know they hear/feel my pain but saving/helping someone else? Why do i spend so much of my life caring & looking after souls in the afterlife when they as a whole care nothing about me. The afterlife was told, as i said above, to protect the youngest soul imaginable? Not bleed it dry for everything & anything it may have been worth? Or play games on his head because you have nothin better to do with your time? When was the afterlife told to look after my soul? I am the youngest soul imaginable since i died in the past two lives that i had at the young age of 3.5, not even four years old (Please click here for more information). Is that why the stars in the sky were inline again???

Thank you to and P. for posting this song. please click the following link to subscribe:  

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