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Wednesday, 12 January 2022


Photo from 2006 before the voices started 

The afterlife has/will become:

Doomed to become "Robot City" (Please click here for more information)

Becoming "Sex Doll Gang Bang City" (Please click here for more information)

Easily seen as "Total Fuckwitz City" (Please click here for more information)

I honestly do not know what is to become of the afterlife now with "Karl Josef Silberbaur" (Please click here for more information) around again who wants to be God. If consequences occur because of what he took from me in this life, the afterlife loose's every privilege & will not be connected to their overlays. Karl reckons he will save souls with hypnotics but expects more than just spreading his ass cheeks & licking out his dirty hole to thank him. He wants to "Harness" (Please click here for more information) the life out of other living souls on earth too. No one in the afterlife would remain with "White Light Around Them" (Please click here for more information).  

I should feel more protected since my soul looks & is only 3•5 years old in this life as Alan Dowsett/Jock Hudson & the afterlife was told to protect me back in 2013 (Please click here for more information) because my soul is so young after 3•25 years not managing to turn 4 years old in my first life (Please click here for more information) (Jesus). In my second life, again only turning 3•5 years almost 4 years old (Please click here for more information) but when i died in that life i stayed in the living dead at Auschwitz rather than entering the afterlife like i did after my first life (Please click here for more information).

Photograph right (Courtesy/Thanks to "The Muppet Christmas Carol"): Apparently close to what i looked like the first time i was in the afterlife, young & big eyed. "I Was The Youngest To Be Allowed Into The Afterlife" (Please click here for more information) BUT I was not a spoilt evil little shit. Sadly i was so young there was A LOT i did not understand. "Papa Rick" (Click here for more information) nicknamed me Paddle feet coz of the way I ran around. Eventually after watching over the "Indigenous Australians" (Please click here for more information) when white men started killing Aboriginals, & they did not kill white man & the animals did not take affirmative action, i entered into the dark. "I Only Came Out of The Dark Thanks to Warner Sallman" (Please click here for more information).

Photograph left: Apparently what "Jacob" (Please click here for more information) looked like who was a best friend in the afterlife after i turned up there the first time in 0 B.C-4 A.D coz he was so close to my age. He could easily influence me (Influencer) whereas, everything anybody else told me, i would compute through all my three & a half years of knowledge before i believed them or not. LOL. 

(Thanks to Mark D Fulwiler for the Bear pic)

"Believe it or not a bloke named Rick and Cleopatra used to watch over us both and at night when all the people i watched over were sleeping i would cuddle with Rick and remain quiet as he spoke with Cleopatra until the people woke in the morning for me to watch over" For more information on myself whilst i was in the afterlife the first time please click here.

Whilst in the Afterlife Jacob, as did i got along well with everyone except for Rick's half brother whom thought we were trouble. Jacob always wanted a tricycle & was given one & i got one as well. BUT i was a little small for the tricycle & rode so out of control i cunted (Please click here for an explanation of language used in this Blog Story Site) myself. LOL. When i went to ride the tricycle again Rick's brother put his foot in my way & stopped me which scared me, so i ran to Papa Rick & wrapped my arms around his head (Just like i used to do to Stephano back in Biblical days when he used to look after me). Ricks brother seen this & again assumed i was trouble & hence they all decided to banish me from the afterlife & send me to Australia to watch over the "Indigenous People or Aboriginals" (Please click here for more information) which i loved. 

They knew me as the spirit guide that was little & sketch & had a funny hair do. "I taught them about the soft bit of cotton you should never touch or go near because it on-covers a Funnel Web spider... DEADLY". Jacob remembers visiting me in Australia & i was like a horse whisperer with the funnel web spiders making them stand on their back feet & slamb their fangs into logs of wood & get themselves stuck which apparently i found very amusing. Sadly when the White Man turned up to settle Australia & started killing the Aboriginals which i had all the love in the world for, when the animals (funnel web spiders) did not take affirmative action & kill all the White Men (Spear Heads) i slipped into the dark to be forgotten about as mentioned above until Warner Sallmans most famous painting of "Jesus" (Please click here for more information). 

Thanks to Coldplay for posting this song at Please subscribe here:

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