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Monday 14 June 2021


Photo from 2006

If you have been reading my blog then you would already know what Universitysm is. If not please click here to find out what Universityism is. When you die if you have something left to prove or sort out then you will stay as a ghost in the "Living Dead" otherwise when you die you see a bright white light. If you have reached "Optimal" in your life then before going into the light you will be allowed to enter the "Afterlife" which is amazing and allows you to watch over the loved ones that you have left behind. Or in the 509 women's case (Please click here for more information) they were told that someone would be in a cage for them to meet, Karl Josef silberbauer (please click here for more information) because of what he did to them at Chelmno & Auschwitz is why you have had problems or unhappy lives in the life you just lead.

Anyways in the afterlife when you decide to pass on to the next life, doors will appear and "Equilibrium" will occur and you will pass on. Hopefully you pass on as a human (the ideal thing to pass on as) or if you have done seriously the wrong thing a microorganism (Not so ideal). When people passed on you would see a green image as to what they were placed as from animals & spiders (fully grown as i suppose your life is mapped out for you) to a lady holding a baby which means they made it as human (because destiny & fate set by what you did in life & afterlife however you have the ability to change it throughout life by going with the good voice). 

Best when thinking of "God" to think of him/her as being a energy or the universe rather than a person to best get your head around how powerful he/she is. Why? Because if you combined every soul on earth, babies and old people, every race and religion, plus all the souls in the afterlife and combine them all together then you will come close to understanding who god is. (Please click here for more information). He/she is more than all those souls combined and knows all about all those souls combined meaning he/she is more than he/she, he/she is both he & She so is a third type at least and knows everything... more amazing than you could ever imagine. When people have passed on, souls in the afterlife have been bringing souls back that did not make it as human & going against the wishes of god & that is why now in the afterlife you no longer get to see the image of what a person has been placed as in their new life. Silly mistake especially if you really knew who you were dealing with. 

How many souls want to mess with the "Universe" or "God" (Please click here for more information) & what it wants? If God reincarnates someone why would the afterlife argue & bring them back?

Who is, or what is God? Please read on by clicking link below.

Also souls in the afterlife who have been doing the wrong thing loose the white light around them (Please click here for more information) and their Ora deteriorate down five levels. Sadly when some souls reach the worst Ora (Level 5) they figure they have nothing to loose and decide to act badly and nastier than ever. Sending them through those doors (being level 6th is what i have called it) is what should happen to teach souls a lesson. 

People who misbehave in the afterlife have been thrown through the doors (Pearly gates) which i recommend! Level six-st them or send them through to school of Universityism (Please click here for more information) is what i have named it. When a soul has seriously mistreated me & is too selfish & arrogant to listen to me when they are in my head without my permission i like to give them a "Pull Through" (Fist fucked to pull their soul out of the inside of their head till it is now sticking out of their asshole) followed by the guillotine (Courtesy of Tammy's execution) which makes them leave their overlay (They are no longer attached to their bodies) & I then throw them through the doors! Clearly only gods help with do for them.

There is no point bringing them back from the other side of the doors (Pearly gates) earlier than they should return otherwise they have learnt nothing & their attitudes do not change at all either. Please souls do not bring them back early? It will mean they are twice the problem & twice as nasty as before! I cannot understand why souls bring them back early when they can see them standing on the other side of the doors perfectly fine but for some arrogant reason they have to bring them back early & before they have learnt anything. If your worried about the person that has been sent through the doors to school of Universityism or been Level six-st then simply ask to observe & God will allow you to stand in & observe what is going on. You will know the time is right for the soul to return when they have white light around them (Please click here for more information) & usually back at the level of human in terms of reincarnation rather than a micro-organism.

Usually they pass on & someone brings them back which means they learnt nothing or what has evolved is the school of Universityism. Basically you get thrown through the doors and instead of being placed for example as a micro-organism, or a cat or a dog, you will instead be taught at lightning speed what you would have learnt had you been placed & lived that life & so forth until you reach the level of human again & return to the afterlife with white light around you. (Please click here for more information). It figures no point placing you properly because someone in the afterlife will just bring you back & no lesson learnt. 

Allot of souls have been sent to the core when gone through to "school of Universityism" because the first thing they were asked was how would you feel if you were in the other persons shoes like the shoes of Jock Hudson (Alan Dowsett)? But they refuse and they reply well it's not me is it???? Shows how self centered and arrogant that person was plus they have too much knowledge of hypnotics (Please click here for more information). so they have not returned from school of Universityism or level 6. Zero tolerance for those souls & they pass on.  

The Universe or God does not want souls to return to the afterlife & have past life regeneration put on them and have them remember the nastiest hypnotics & games (Please click here for more information) that were mostly taught to them by Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for further information regarding him). If a soul was a good soul then they would not pass on if it was not their time, instead the image of what they would have passed on as would come up in red (Unable to proceed) rather than Green/Blue (Implemented) & they will return to the afterlife.

Further explanation of God = Number 7 = We have man (1) & woman (2), we have about 5 million souls that are born with penis & vagina that can give birth (3) & that cannot give birth (4), We also have man that has sex changes (5) & women that have sex changes (6) so God being all of them & more must be a 7th kind of person. So i refer to God as being number 7! SMILE.

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