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Sunday 18 June 2023


Psych Question You Should Attempt!
Please think & choose three animals/creatures that are your most favourite or that you like the most/best & also write down a reason or reasons as to why you chose to like or favourite that animal/creature. 

Back when first asked to do this i was not very creative at all & rather than think of three different animals i simply wrote down "dog" and "Because everyone considers them a friend" for all three choices. If you have read Blog post number 5 & understood my headspace back then you will understand. This time i choose differently as you will see & yes it has totally worked out for me again. For more challenging questions to test your mental health please click here.

Way back when i was 21 years old & asked the all important "Brick Wall" psych question (Please click here to try the "Brick Wall" Psych Question & the "Coffee" Psych Question) i also was asked to answer this question(s). 

First Animal/Creature Choice - Answer 1. 
This is how other people see you.
My Answer = Sloths - I have love for them because they have an adorable looking face & they always look like they are smiling & happy, although with sharp claws instead of hands they do make you wonder how nice they really are.
TRUE. Yes i guess people do see me as always smiling although as one person who told me i was cute also told me that he bet i could also be a real cunt!

Second Animal/Creature Choice - Answer 2.
This is how you see other people.
My Answer = Sun Bear - They are my favourite bear because they are not like usual grizzly bears & are different. I love watching them. Sun Bears are also so damn cute, i really like the look of them.
TRUE. Yes I do look at everyone as being individual & different & I loving nothing more than people watching. Also its true i am yet to find a person i did not think looked cute or at least interesting.

Third Animal/Creature Choice - Answer 3. 
This is how you see yourself.
My Answer = Dog - Like Oprah Winfrey said "Dogs are like little people with fur" or that dogs are little humans in rehab learning to enjoy life again after reincarnating from a bad life.
TRUE. Hmmmmm yes, but this answer scares me. I guess i do believe that i need rehabilitation & i do not feel like a real person sadly with voices in my head.

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