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Thursday 22 June 2023


Papa Rick & Stephano Monkey (Please click here for more information)
Thanks to Miss Deprivation (Please click here for more information) there are certain phrases laced with hypnotics (Please click here for more information) that souls, or Hypnotic Whores (Please click here for more information) in the afterlife that i hear in my head say that make them think differently. Like for example if someone says yeah but he is "Schizophrenic" makes voices think that they do have permission to be in my head when they do not have permission at all which means they should not be able to enter my head. Or voices say "He is used to it" which again makes voices think they have permission to be in my head & the right to talk in my head non stop & in numbers. Or they say i'm a "No Hoper" which makes souls think i am a meth addict & my life is worthless & useless which is not the case (Please click here for more information). Or when harnessing my endorphins (Please click here for more information) voices say but they are "Too extreme" which makes them think they have every right to harness (Please click here for more information) my endorphins which they do not at all have the right to do at all. I cannot workout without them (Please click here for more information) because as they will tell you, when i give off an endorphin rush they tingle & then feel invincible or like they could easily climb more than mount everest. That invisible feeling is what my body gives myself to ensure i have the motivation & drive to be able to do another set at the gym or any other form of physical activity. It is bloody ridiculous! 

Souls you do not have permission to be in my head so please pull away. Do not harness (Please click here for information) its bad karma!

Why are catch phrases and triggers such a problem? Please click the following link to read more.

Whenever anyone says any of these "Catch Phrases" it also makes souls go out of their way to be nasty & disrespectful to me & they do their best to tear me a new asshole so that they can feel better about themselves! They do not understand what it is like to have voices in their head because they have never had voices in their heads. They keep saying "They Have unlimited time" which i understand (Please click here for more information) plus they need "Stimulation" because they are female & have every right to play Search & Destroy (Please click here for more information). But the problem is that they refuse to understand that i do not have unlimited time, & i am not in the afterlife so why should i provide them or be involved in what they set up to give themselves stimulation? They could not be more of an insult to the intelligence or more arrogant if they tried. 

Lastly the grand daddy of all "Catch Phrases" or "Triggers" is "They are in Heaven & they need to feel good" which means i should make them feel good even though they do nothing but harm by placing nasty Hypnotics (Please click here for more information) or speak to me as rudely & with as much attitude as possible "Your an Asshole" or your a "Selfish Cunt" which again are more "Catch Phrases" or "Triggers" or another thing not mentioned which is a "Power Rush" as they treat me like shit & i have no right to feel the good vibe i provide!

Plus how could i forget when the women say "I am gonna stop" OMG i have trouble trying not to self harm because they do not stop even for a second, in fact i know that means that they have every intention of continuing with out even pausing however everyone listening or paying attention to them somehow thinks they have stopped! BLOODY FRUSTRATING & USUALLY THEY ARE DOING HYPNOTICS ON ME WHICH ARE ALL NASTY THE WHOLE TIME WHICH I WISH THEY WOULD STOP!!! Also by saying "I am gonna stop" insinuates that they understand & if i have being trying to make reason with them you would think that maybe the message has gotten through to them... BUT NO CHANCE!!!

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