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Thursday, 19 October 2023


How come the nasty voices in my head do not realise & think that they are giving themselves bad Karma. Every person has the right to refuse permission for souls, in this case in "Heaven" (Please click here for more information), to not have enter their head. They refuse to lay dormant no matter how much i point out that it is in their best interest to do only that. Everything you do in life, afterlife (heaven) or the "Living Dead" (Please click here for more information) means your destiny & fate are set (Please click here for more information). Souls, mostly female (bitches) have passed on as dogs rather than humans because they needed obedience training otherwise they would be impossible disobedient children. Souls have passed on as "Earthworms" (Please click here for more information) because they have done no good & need to spend time turning poop into soil, doing good things, before they can be human otherwise they would be cold blooded children. I have seen spiders too. 

I should have so much good Karma that maybe i win the lotto? Or go with the good voice & reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) to escape bad Karma! 

What would be the Karma for souls playing nasty games on my head? Please read on.

What would be the Karma for a soul that played "Search & Destroy" (Please click here for more information) for years killing all my fun & happiness. I would say on their wedding day when they look the best they have ever looked, about to marry the man of their dreams, the satin mermaid dress they picked out has made them look better than they ever thought they could look, the day is almost perfect, EXCEPT there is a car accident on the way to the church. They did not want to wrinkle their satin mermaid dress so did not wear a seat belt. Oooooh dear all that Soul's fun & happiness taken away like they did to me, they become a quadriplegic, miss out on getting married & having kids, & never move their arms or legs again. The man of their dreams marries their best friend & has a family & they visit you so you can see the kids they have together, which would never make a soul like that bitter since you are just head on a stick, if that, but they still treat you as a friend & visit you every second weekend. LOL. You could be their kids favourite person & offer wheelchair rides & still reach Optimal but chances are you decide to be easily shit on the liver & every visit ythey make, you make more unpleasant than the last. But your queen of emotional blackmail & pity party express.
Karma totally!!! No entering Afterlife/Heaven again for you!!!

Harsh it sounds doesn't it but "Hypnotic Whores" (Please click here for more information) might just have that happen. 

Generally if you go with the "Good Voice" (Please click here for more information) the one with all the reasons then you can improve your Karma. One nasty girl in my head had karma hit her right away & was born with Cerebral Palsy. "Present (God)" (Please click here for more information) wants everyone to reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) as the world would be a better place so bad souls are not born human (Micro-organism is lowest denominator) to learn & to have the best chance of reaching Optimal when they are human.

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