My FULL Story starts on date 19/01/2009 - Story Blog Post 0 - BEST VIEWED ON A PC/LAPTOP as it LOOK LESS SKETCHY! Thank you for viewing.

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Tuesday 29 March 2022


When i die (Please click here for more information) apparently i will go past the highest level in the afterlife & be with the Galactic Cuties on a UFO that they call Numb-skull & I call Numb-Sicle (Please click here for more information) I turned up there by mistake & they threw me onto him by accident, the largest most untamed UFO they have & for some reason decided he liked me. (Why Earth will not have UFO's please click here). Souls in the afterlife have been placing hypnotics (Please click here for more information) on Numb-Sicle because they are selfish & want to ride him & want him to be theirs. A couple of girls turned him from the largest creature into a Chihuahua which caused him damage. So many souls do not care about him & only care about themselves (Please click here for more information). One unselfish girl, a horse whisperer & her friend, have been hanging out with numb-Sicle & lucky for us they avoid hypnotics completely or as best that she can. She is attempting to teach him how to read. LOL. 

Every time he came looking for me as he could sense me souls placed hypnotics on him that he could not handle & he almost died. Hopefully UFO's are protected from hypnotics & not harmed.

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