Rule 1: Firstly check around you to see who has white light around them & who doesn't, she even does this with her mum because it keeps her mum in check because if you do not have white light around you then something is wrong or you are doing the wrong thing.
Rule 2: Check your own Ora & ensure that you do have white light around yourself which makes rule number 3 easier plus then you can gage if you are doing something wrong or acting badly. You must do what you can if you do not have white light around you so that you do. Do not expect someone to make you feel good when you do not have white light around you!
Rule 3: Ensure, since all hypnotics (Please click here for more information) are nasty, that you have none on yourself. Might be why you do not have white light around yourself or acting badly. Plus if they are nasty why allow one on your head.
If every soul in my head obeyed these rules my world would be a better place. I can only thank Mrs or Little Miss (GRIN) Australian Princess Diana for pointing out rules to follow.
I cannot thank her enough. X X X & another big X.
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