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Thursday 18 May 2023


Photo taken May 2023
Surprisingly the last two days have gone ok after a few hard days were had. I have not had a huge problem with the voices in my head yesterday or today. They still annoy me but nowhere near as much as they normally do. Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information) is back in my head but not harassing me & he seems to be doing his own thing. It is hard to change from hating someone so much to not dislike them anymore. Miss Deprivation (Please click here for more information) has gone. Michael (Please click here for more information) (Karl's side kick) is back as well but again like Karl has stopped with the hypnotics & are not placing hypnotics (Please click here for more information) on me so things are looking up! I pointed out how bad a karma they have which has made them stop & think & change their ways. Plus good souls, & even a soul whom I am sure used to be one of my high school teachers (My year 7 female English Teacher) are helping me out!

Sadly I still cannot go to the gym because souls are harnessing (Please click here for more information) my endorphins. Souls in the afterlife feel amazing & like they could climb Mount Everest & i feel like shit & have no motivation at all!

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