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Friday 8 November 2019


Best news ever. Results from this weeks tests came back and i am all completely clear from Myocarditis (Please click here for more info) caused by Clozapine treatment (Please click here for more info) although the weight gain from that was significant. 

Thats the good news. Bad news is, although my heart won't now go cactus, as i attempt to work my ass off at the gym, like usual (Please click here for past gym info), tryin to get back into shape since gained a lot of weight from schizophrenia medications (Please click here for more information regarding medications) and the voice of Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more info) harrasses me to say the least. Thinks I have money he can gain and all my feel good moments that creates a good vibe stimulates him to be even more jealous and more nasty in my head. Trying not to let it bring me down. They are still"Harnessing" or "Obtaining" or "Receiving" my endorphins (Please click here for more information) so i do not get to feel them  either. 

I wanna make my 40's my best years yet. That was my aim for along time. (Please click here for more info on main aim).

Photos taken 7th November 2019 Bondi Junction gym in the change room mirror and then the mirror above the sinks before leaving.

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