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Monday 11 November 2019


I live in Oyster Bay & when i went to the post office i notice a Cafe in Oyster Bay has just opened, it is called (Rise on the Bay - Please click here for more information) and is across the street is all new & with all new wall art. Just like the guy i always had the hots for (Marc Wilcox) has tattooed on his forearm? Plus since then i have stopped their a couple of times and had an ice coffee and they made me an omelet with everything which i liked and their bread has perfect amount of butter for me too. Very nice! Well worth a visit.

The other day driving home, seen a car like the one this bloke drives back in Los Angeles & uses to advertise his business. He has a great little shop called N101 (Please click here) that sells all your nutritional supplies!

Why? Well it caught my eye coz these cars are RARE in Australia & not even sold here anymore 
(If you dont believe why please click here).

What do these cars, number plates and music mean? Please read on by clicking the link below.

Then I seen the number plate. Plate R 44. Ok, before i was Alan Dowsett AD, i was 4 years old in my first life, and 4 years old as Aaron Rothschild AR which is were i think i met the bloke that lives in LA. He was in love back in that life with Stephano who has dark hair and is/was a hairy hot man that used to look after me in the cemetery at Lodz Ghetto and saved me from getting killed each time they searched (132 searches in total) for me (Please click here for more info). since i was the last kid that existed in Lodz Ghetto after all the other kids had been taken out of the Ghetto and taken to Chelmno (Please click here for more information) where they were killed. Initially when they were taken from Lodz Ghetto i was too little and could not keep up with them and got left behind and hence not killed.

Hmmmm... After Car Number Plate R44 the first song i play in my car comes on 5:42pm "Back to my roots (Length 12:01)"?
Hmmmm... like i wasn't just thinking about that now was I? Then as the song finishes i see a Bentley with number Plate LILI S... 
Hmmmm... Yes i was Little & I was Small in that life... & now after that song its 5:54pm "Principles of Lust (Length 3:10)"... 
Hmmmm... so is that why i am so friggen lusting over that bloke in LA? A-rise and shine... Yeah i do need help waking up. 
Hmmmm.... I definitely must have liked him (Marc Wilcox) & i am so interested now maybe coz he was in love with Stephano... Grrrrrrrrr...

Marc Wilcox back in that life did not like me like Stephano did coz in that life i was always the funny odd little 3.5 year old, almost 4 year old or younger kid that interrupted the two, when they were trying to get it on, although i was happy to be near both of them & did not understand i might be interrupting them. Marc Wilcox would miss out on having sex with Stephano because of my interruptions & Stephano worried that i needed to be hidden from authorities so as not to be killed as they may have been conducting another search would brush Marc off completely & look after me instead. 

Therefore Marc Wilcox automatically still thinks of me as the annoying little kid that always interrupted him from having fun that is why in this lifetime he finds me twice as annoying as i really am & is frustrated with everytime i attempt to speak with him. 

Stephano could always be found in the cemetery where his mum was buried & where Marc Wilcox would meet up with him but that is also where Stephano would hide me each time the authorities would search and try to find me. I love cemeteries (Please click here for more information) but something tells me that Marc Wilcox in LA probably has a phobia about cemeteries? Why? Because that is where he last seen the love of his life? Marc tried to get Stephano to leave Lodz Ghetto with him but he stayed behind waiting for me whilst we hid under the floor boards in the building we resided in. Sadly Stephano & I ended up alone together and both killed at Auschwitz (Please click here for more information). 

But damn it I am 6'5" tall in this life and hopefully gonna get back into shape. Why wont the bloke in LA ever pay me any attention? Is it coz im a nutcase? Possibly? 
(To see what started this & how nutty i am please click here).

Please click on pic to enlarge.

Thursday 27th February 2020 Update: 
Today is the first time since this blog date i have seen one of these cars. Check out this ones number plate. OO 11 XX? What this mean then? Please see photo right?


Would you believe he is still on my mind? (Please click here to see what i am talking about now) LOL

October 2020 Update:
Next viewing of one of these cars Marc Wilcox drives. So what does this number plate mean then? 88 PRTY? LOL

April 2021 Update:
Hmmmmm number plate GYM 666. yep i need to be back in the gym especially if i ever wanted to meet Mr. Marc Wilcox coz i am sooooooooo outta shape at the moment. But lucky for me because of COVID19 even if i wanted and he wanted to get together it would not be possible so i got plenty of time to get back in shape before meeting. Plus 666, the devils number??? GRIN :) 

Reading number plates? hmmmmm yes you can tell that i have Psychosis! (I read into things and think everything i see is a sign) hehehe. For more information on me having Psychosis and Schizophrenia please click here. LOL. 

March 2022 Update:
I actually seen a white one not long ago with the number plates "WAIIT" hmmmmm at first i thought it said wait? hmmmm close enough. Anyways today i seen this vehicle. this time white again.  Number plate "DGE-OOY" hmmmmm i thought at first it said Dodgy??? hmmmmm????

Thank you to P!NK for posting this song at youtube

Thanks to P!NK remixes, please subscribe here: 

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