My FULL Story starts on date 19/01/2009 - Story Blog Post 0 - BEST VIEWED ON A PC/LAPTOP as it LOOK LESS SKETCHY! Thank you for viewing.

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Monday 28 November 2022


The last few weeks, sorry to complain, have been rather average to say the least. The amount of souls in the afterlife that keep bringing assholes back to the afterlife or my head. If its before your time or your a good soul being thrown through the pearly gates or into the light will not work, an image will appear in red & you will come back to the afterlife. This is how you know that bringing back anyone else is the wrong thing to do & totally disrespecting number 7 (Please click here for more information). Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information), Croatia & Chap (Please click here for more information) are deadly & kill every dream or plan i have & bloody well keep being brought back to the afterlife & into my head. I am so fucken over it & that is an understatement. I have no time or respect for souls that just want to place hypnotics (Please click here for more information) because they have nothing better to do or they think that is the answer to avoiding the consequences (Please click here for more information). Some souls think we need Karl to avoid the consequences but seriously need to get a reality check on what will occur & what Karl will do if he is in the afterlife with hypnotics when i die.When souls loose the white light around themselves due to placing hypnotics or because they have chosen or decided to "Harness" (Please click here for more information) YET immediately expect me to provide a feel good sensation to make them feel good. All i hear is souls calling me asshole & cunt & telling me they need to feel good. I have lost count of the number of souls i have had to deal with since this started back in 2009!

What about me? When do i get fun & privacy from voices??? They will not even shut up when i have a person in front of me talking which means i miss out on what they are saying!

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