My FULL Story starts on date 19/01/2009 - Story Blog Post 0 - BEST VIEWED ON A PC/LAPTOP as it LOOK LESS SKETCHY! Thank you for viewing.

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Friday 7 July 2023


Friday night i sat in the car afaid to enter the house of fear i would start screaming & yelling again at voices & have my parents feel i should be back in hospital (Please click here for more information). Somehow the Galactic Cuties (Please click here for more information) I could hear (Please click here for more information). My Numb-Sicle (Please click here for more information) was killed by souls in the afterlife with hypnotics (Please click here for more information) mainly because they were jealous & wanted to ride him & were nothing better than a Hypnotic Whore (Please click here for more information). Somehow although he had died i managed to bring him back & scared that he had been reincarnated which meant i may have killed a newborn. I cried as i thought i had shown disrespect like the afterlife (Please click here for more information). Luckily what i did & achieving the return of Numb-Sicle did not remove the white light around me & i was in the presence of the White Light whom will hold me upon my death before i meet Numb-Sicle. What is funny is that my soul is the youngest soul imaginable because of my past two lives (Please click here for more information) & Numb-Sicle is the largest & oldest & untamed UFO in existence. We are destined to be together & Numb-Sicle is waiting for me with the Galactic Cuties (Please click here for more information) which is higher than the highest level that exists in the afterlife (Please click here for more information). Earth will never have UFO's like the Galactic Cuties because our dinosaurs became extinct (Please click here for more information). 

Numb-Sicle (Please click here for more information) is bigger than an entire neighbourhood. A UFO unlike no other. I am so bloody happy. How do i know Numbsicle? (Please click here for more information).

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