Happier, Healthier, Greener?
Can You Hear Frogs?
Without notifying anyone, Jock Hudson escaped Los Angeles, he gave away all his belongings & without telling anyone he left town, headed back home to Sydney Australia. Can you hear frogs where you are? Where ever & when ever you can hear frogs means that you are in a healthy environment. That is the best environment the best place to live.
Wish i had left the USA under different circumstances but i needed to leave & leave fast for my own self preservation, my condition was worsening as i tried to understand it plus i was burning bridges, blowing them up is probably closer to the truth & never able to cross those waters again.
I tried to apologise to Marc Wilcox in person several times & a few years later (2013) when i returned to LA for the first time, I wasn't even going to explain what was wrong with me just appologise as tryin to get his attention when i was a mess was inappropriate to say the least. BUT sadly he would not come out of his office or see me, instead he told his staff to get me to leave a number & maybe he would get back to me. Since i flew back home to Sydney later that evening, i did not leave a number as I did not want to be seen again as a harasser plus if he called the next day the number would not have worked (disconnected).
On the flight home I almost got a free upgrade which i did not need when the flight attendant (sitting directly accross from me) watched me cry my eyes out the second the wheels left the tarmac. Luckily being upstairs on that flight meant there was a quiet place at the back of plane away from everyone else where i tried to keep myself together the best i could. The funny thing was the flight attendant thought i was so distressed not because Marc Wilcox refused to see me but because i was scared of flying which i definitely am not with the amount of flights I have been on & she kept a check on me the entire way home which was lovely of her. ✈️ LOL.