I have been told when the voices get me down to
picture myself & those around me in white light because only good souls will have white light around them.
The afterlife would not exist & cannot exist if souls in the afterlife do not have white light around them. There is no reason for not having white light around yourself unless you are doing the wrong thing or farting around incorrectly with hypnotics
(Please click here for more information).Then picture everything else picture in purple spinning which means good souls have to figure out why those souls without white light around them are purple & what their problem is.
I have always had white light around me as long as i can remember except on one occasion which lasted less than 12 seconds when Jenny Rothschild said OMG his Ora changed & as she was in a panic the white light around me returned. I must admit on that occasion i did think i had gone a bit far in trying to achieve what i wanted to achieve & I think with Hypnotics
(Please click here for more information). But i do ask what good has it done me? The only other time i have not had white light around me is when i self destructed & placed a hypnotic
(Please click here for more information) saying "Alan Dowsett is a Cunt' on God/Present
(Please click here for more information) on the other side of the pearly gates & it sent the entire afterlife upside down & wrong but luckily some lovely lady fixed it & removed the hypnotic.
Yes i have been told not to play games with the voices. But bloody hell they annoy and bore me shitless.
I admit I may have made them spin so fast in purple they puked, But I even got inventive & created the "Zipper" ride so it would do more bad nasty souls real fast plus I reckon i made it real fun for them! Yeeeeeah? But they still complain!
Wanna know what happen with all of them the other day? Please read on by clicking the link below.