I just do not understand why the afterlife that i am hearing in my head will not let me enjoy life? It would be in their best interest to "Lay Dormant" & let me enjoy & love life again because otherwise if i was to die the consequences, which cannot be avoided by "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) are extreme due to what has happened to me due to "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) & due to the games placed on my head (Please click here for more information) & "Harnessing" (Please click here for more information). They would be unable to move, hear or see, have difficulties talking, no ability to talk in their own heads & have troubles thinking & will not be attached to their overlays that might be in pieces because that has been taken away from me in this life (Please click here for more information). Souls in the afterlife were playing hypnotic games 18/06/2022 but not in a hypnotic atmospheres to keep them safe from regular souls. One soul managed to stop me from thinking? So the consequences are far worse than expected. You will not be able to talk in your heads & you will not be able to think if someone does get in your head since your deaf to ask you a question anyways. Watch over loved ones??? But you will not be able to think?
Will it mean melting pot for those that are "Hypnotic Whores?" (Please click here for more information). (those that do not have "White Light" (Please click here for more in formation) & have the worst Ora at level 5 Ora). Yes melting pot does hurt since is going back further than going to the core which reduces your overlay from human to a starting point again, whereas melting pot explodes your overlay into tiny small pieces so when it comes back together it is a new overlay or seen as a green dot to start again at the core all the progressions needed to live to eventually become human again. No more "Heaven?" (Please click here for more information.
The solution is easy, you do not need hypnotics, just let me enjoy life & the love of life i had before becoming schizophrenic & hearing voices (Please click here for more information) would return & then no consequences at all? Simple? It is not rocket science. I reached "Optimal" in this life. So let me live & have fun! I wanna go to bed excited about tomorrow!
What more should the afterlife do. Please read on by clicking link below.
Like I have said before "It's not rocket science"!
Plus in a last attempt & effort to get people to allow me to enjoy life i will remind you, & please feel free to check but i beg you to please be respectful, because i am happy for you to check & have a look at the inside of my skull too as that is interesting (3 things to notice), but I am supposedly the youngest soul imaginable that you were told to protect back in 2013 (Please click here for more information) which i am yet to be fully protected. Sorry to sound ungrateful. Please check the notice board that appears in the afterlife before passing any judgments & acting, like placing nasty hypnotics on me, first!!! Thank you.
Some souls think that bringing back Karl Josef Silberbauer will have the answer to their solution but are you forgetting that he put you in this predicament in the first place. If you think he will use hypnotics for anything more than his selfish antics then think again. You will be all eating his shit (Please click here for more information). Plus he will not have hypnotics when, or if, the consequences occur. He actually admitted, during one of the times the afterlife brought him back, that he was unsure that if he did have the power of hypnotics that he would be able to revert the consequences & if he did sadly you need to realise he would only undo them for a few souls at a time in order to get & force them to do what he wants. Nothing else. Remember Karl cannot be reasoned with because in all the three lifes I know about that he has existed he has never reached "Optimal" ever! (Please click here for more information). Trust me you do not want Karl in the afterlife let alone controlling what everyone will be doing! (Please click here for more information).
If you are unsure of the consequences then just look at the notice board that exists & see if anything has not been taken away? like hearing & seeing, orgasms, getting hard & moist & anything else? Will you even be conected to your overlays?
If all the voices i hear in my head only did one thing & only one thing & I mean only one thing in relation to me which would be "Lay Dormant" then i would be able to have fun & they too could feel the effect of any fun i am having if they wanted PLUS since they woud not be "Harnessing" means they would not be in my head & forced to hear my thoughts, brainwaves from my eys or me if speaking out loud & I would not be missing out on fun in life & it would not take long before the consequences of my death would be nothing. Think about it??? I am right without sounding big headed???
The problem is that some women have decided because they have placed so many nasty hypnotics on me that their kharma is so bad they do not care about the consequences!
Thanks to George Michael and Youtube for posting this song. Please click here to subscribe to georgemichael https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR1LVH-teuA3-Kfy576TYSw
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