One girl i hear in my head (Kara) has been mistreating me for a long time, mainly because of Karl Josef Silberbauer's deviate friend from Auschwitz. Her first girlfriend broke up with her because she was sick of watching her place nasty hypnotics
(Please click here for more information) on me & refusing to listen to any good advice i tried to give her. I only ever tried to help her. Her second girlfriend broke up with her for similar reasons but also because she would "Harness"
(Please click here for more information) & tell everyone that i was an "Asshole" or "Cunt"
(Please click here for information regarding language). She had a hypnotic on her head placed by Sam (another asshole) or herself, that she knew about, that blamed me for all her problems. Sadly while i slept she the entire night busy bad mouthing me to everyone & therefore i have experienced head & testicular pains & not been able to enjoy myself as souls place the "Release" button
(Please click here for more information) & deliberately place games
(Please click here for more information) on my head to ruin my fun as they defend this girl saying I wrecked her life. Please do me a favour and get rid of her!
Apparently there is a notice board in the afterlife which lists my mistreatment. Should see how i was treated because of her? Those appearing on it look like total Hypnotic Whores! (Please click here for more information).
Will she remain a Nast/stupid bitch? Please read on by clicking link below.