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Saturday, 20 August 2022


"Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information) is back in my head. Why? Because souls in the afterlife were bored & wanted to do "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) & brought him back into my head along with every soul that never had permission to enter my head & has been nasty to me. Means no life for me & definitely no fun for me. They still "Harness" (Please click here for more information) & prefer Karl has fun whereas i do not get any which means they do not want to avoid consequences of me being mistreated for "Almost 14 Years Now & Counting" (Please click here for more information). Well the other day "I Got off My Face" (Please click here for more information) & whenever i give off a good effect Karl takes credit, although he has done nothing, & expects to be thanked. So many souls were gladly eating his shit & enjoying it just as much as he does. Yes he thinks that his shit does not stink, where as i am well aware mine does, although i love a good old fart but that is where is lies. I was so embarrassed for all those souls. Karl feels that he is God which he will never be if you know the truth about "God" (Please click here for more information).

Why would you eat someones shit? I do not get it? Proves nothing by making someone eat your shit. They will not think you are "God" (Please click here for more information). Karl thinks differently, he can't get enough of his own shit!!! 

Have souls been around too long that they eat shit? Please read on.

Saturday, 13 August 2022


This photo is not as scary as it looks
Katherine Jones as mentioned in this blog site has been a voice in my head for years & she is an amazing sexy lady (Please click here for more information). Her main drive to be a Medical Practitioner in the 1900's was to be able to save wounded soldiers that wartime had caused them to loose limbs & she specialized in becoming an outstanding leader in producing prosthetics for anyone with a missing limb or needing limb reconstruction surgery although sadly how she achieved greatness is sadly tainted & would be seen, as shown, as one of the worst photographs taken in the history of time. Originally she was positioned in a first Aid camp in North-East Poland set up to care for wounded soldiers that had crossed the boarder to conquer Russia (Please click here for more information). Please note if you learn about this camp as i did on the internet it now lists it as being a concentration/death camp & gives a map of Auschwitz (Please click here for more "True" information) instead of being a safe haven for military. She killed herself being at Auschwitz.

Katherine had the most nurses known to man working for each of her patients (ratio 6:1 she attempted) as she tried to save as many from being gassed as she could. A lot survived thanks to her.

Did she go too far? Please read on by clicking link below.

Friday, 12 August 2022


When you reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) you no longer need a white lighter but i have been mistreated so badly by the afterlife that i now have three white lighters. Samuel who was my original White Lighter up until 2009 (Please click here for more information) is back being my White Lighter again & now also Stephano Monkey & Papa Rick. 

Now if you have seen "Chucky" the TV series (Please click here for more information) you will know what i am dealing with (Please see photographs below). Stephano Monkey used to be Marc Wilcox's Boyfriends who was mute in a past life (Please click here for more information) & he often copes it from me when he is not protecting me & sadly after the week i have had you do not wanna see the state poor Stephano Monkey is in BUT I PROMISE AFTER TONIGHT HE WILL BE AS GOOD AS NEW (Please click here for more information)

When these characters are not doing anything & basically the voices in my head are treating me so badly i cannot cope I sadly take it out on them. As seen in the photo below i made them both sit & face the wall & placed them in the corner of the room (GAVE THEM TIME OUT!) so that meant they could not see what was going on or participate in anything. It made me cry having to do this to them but i cannot tolerate bad behaviour as i needed their help. They happily accept me sharing the love i have for them but admittedly say they are best to stay out of my problems.

I have love for Samuel, Stephano Monkey & Papa Rick to the moon & back! I should be so lucky to have them as White Lighters!

Find out more about these three? Please read on by clicking the link below.

Thursday, 11 August 2022


Laying low with ALF (Gordon Shumway) until the shit that hit the fan clears down. But heck if the alien (ALF) gets to much for me, i just play the song "Maniac" from flashdance 
(Please click here for hyper speed version) & he knows all the dance moves & crashes out like a 3.5 almost 4 year old. LOL.

Did i get my life back like i thought i was when equilibrium occurred in last blog post. NO. Instead i had a woman bring back every soul that i never needed in my head back into my head. Talk about sadistic & nasty. Sadly she is miss popularity in the afterlife so because of that & her placing hypnotics (Please click here for more information) & influence on every one she knows means i have been rather mistreated since her entering into my head to say the least. She actually entered my head three years ago & has been depriving me of life & endorphin rushes ever since. She is the antagonist for harnessing my good vibes & endorphin rushes whilst at the gym (Please click here for more information). She reckons she should be thanked for making them extreme although it has been me that has missed out for more than three years now. She has been around since biblical days & deprived Jesus when he was killed on the cross. She may have been the driving force to stakes in his hands (Please click here for mroe information). She believes i should die the same way & wishes me dead. She is even making Karl Josef Silberbauer who naturally is back (Please click here for more information) look angelic although always a cunt (Please click here for more information regarding language in this site). Apparently she had a daughter before Jesus & Christ (Please click here for more information) were born & believes because back then before Buddhism (Please click here for more information) it was thought that if a baby were born to the king of the palace then they were born from heaven & a god rather than human from humanity that she should be blessed. She is obsessed with depriving me of life like she did in biblical days! To make matters worse this lady's best friend is another woman who did not reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) & should not be in the afterlife. She is convinced she is gonna cure me of being homosexual. Yes self obsessed & self righteous & to complete it all off another lady with a skanky pussy that reeks of crutcholla! Neither have white light around themselves (Please click here for more information).

On a good note, 1 of the 508 ladies (Please click here for more information) named Carla got her shit together??? Plus “Nasty/Stupid Bitch” Kara (Please click here for more information) is back but OMG is now a cage keeper & placed one woman & Karl in a cage. Thank you!

Could i hear Olivia Newton-John??? Am I seriously blessed or seriously dreaming??? or both??? (Please click here for more information).

Sunday, 7 August 2022



I discovered since equilibrium tonight occurred & silence was heard for the first time since Tuesday when i was out in the sun & a similar type thing occurred in my head, so i knew what was going on tonight, that it was this day & date, August 2009, an anniversary date, from when I discovered voices in my head, without my permission, & I worked out they were playing a game (Please click here for more information) & I realized I did not, back then, have the knowledge I have now (Please read blog that starts 0 blog until blog post 124 or click here for start) to participate or an understanding of hypnotics (Please click here for more information) & felt I was out of my league. I cried my eyes out as I ask them politely to please never include me again. Jenny Rothschild (Please click here for more information) Katherine Jones (Please click here for more information), Kate (Please click here for more information) & Scott we’re present & they all did it, but said it WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN??? But as I laid my head on the pillow I heard from whom I now know was Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information) “I’ll take that” which I thought odd but what I didn’t realize is that self centered CUNT (Please click here to explain language used in this blog) took the HUMAN PROTECTION meant for me away from me that night which meant I did not get my life back in 2009.

Tonight or should I say morning, does that mean I got my life back??? that should never have been taken from me August 2009??? Because i reached "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) they found me as you let off a unmistakable glow & easily seen.

What did that mean? Please read on by clicking link below.