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Thursday 12 September 2024

FREE Legal-Well-Being Advice for LGBTI Community & Friends

For Free Legal-Well-Being Advice just leave a message in the comments section or call me - Please click here for more information. I have a Juris Doctor (Please click here for more information) equivalent to Law Masters & with my background as a advocate, porn star, rentboy & party boy i offer to listen first & then try to assist with advice.

Please feel free to call me to discuss issues and concerns that your having or to put it bluntly your thinking shit is gonna hit the fan any minute if I am not careful or change what i am doing. Basically getting a better understanding of the law & your rights & responsibilities.
For examples of free Legal-Well-Being advice given, please click the link below

Wednesday 11 September 2024


Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) the man that says that he is selfless by only living on the poverty line with a yearly income of $200,000 but he somehow owns is ridiculousness, from 24 karat gold toilets to 700 sports cars. You know what they say about sports cars... INADEQUATE DICK! To see what he owns please click here. Why does Vladimir Putin want to take over the Ukraine? Obviously so he can get his hands on more money & spend more. Maybe the $30Billion he spent on war fare he could have maybe given back to the people or at least allowed them a paid Public Holiday. Russia is bigger in land size than America but merely consists of Moscow & St Petersburg (Please click here for more information). Rather than have soldiers dying in the name of war why can't Volodymyr Zelenskyy (President of Ukraine) next time he has a meeting with Vladimir get out a knife & cut his throat? It is ok for a Russian Soldier to do that to a Ukraine Soldier or civilian? If Volodymyr wears a soldiers uniform rather than a suit i think that is the way to go. 

Imagine if during each war it was just the leaders of each country that got into a boxing ring & fought it all out rather than having hundreds & thousands of innocent soldiers die in the name of war???

What could Adolf Hitler have done differently? Please click the link below to read more.

Monday 26 August 2024


If you have been reading my blog story then you will know that I blame women voices in my head as being my problem (Please click here for more information). Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information) was my biggest problem & due to his hatred & jealousy of me why I am schizophrenic and had no life, however, equilibrium occurred (Please click here for more information) four years ago as he happily went to the core to escape consequences in a way to pass/reincarnate so I should have gotten my life back but no that has not happened. Why? Because a year at least before he passed on he and the women set up hypnotics (Please click here for more information) that shared his hatred for me & made the women be selfish, sadistic, arrogant & narcissistic, & they have continuously placed this on their heads as having the worst Ora’s possible (level 5) & their power rush stopped them from feeling uncomfortable & gave them stimulation. Basically they treated me like shit & therefore lacked self control to stop themselves from treating me like shit. My only ability is to somehow reason with the thousands of them with this bullshit on their heads but under the influence these women are far worse than a soul that did not reach “Optimal” (Please click here for more information) so I have gotten no where & the number of women under the influence has only increased! Why? Because when the women feel uncomfortable they spend their time talking shit about me laced with hypnotics? 

I know what the problem is (Please click here for more information). For 5 years the women have had no ability to do any but treat me badly & now I worked out the problem have learnt to get off on treating me badly! They enjoy it!

What else do these women do? Please click the link below to read more.

Tuesday 11 June 2024


It seems almost weekly i am having an episode. An episode is when the voices in my head have taken control & i am left screaming my head off. I cannot talk properly, I cannot swallow which means i cannot drink, eat or take anything, & the voices in my head i find so frustrating that i cannot do anything but scream. The worst part about not being able to swallow is that you choke. When i go to take my medications it makes it extremely hard to take. The voices like to play a game "Search & Destroy" (Please click here for more information) but an upgraded version wanting me to self harm (Please click here for more information) or even kill myself which makes no sense. The voices are meant to be in Heaven (Please click here for more information) but are seriously selfish & continue to "Harness" (Please click here for more information) my good feelings sensations. All the voices want to do is place "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) because they have learnt them & have unlimited time & nothing better to do but always with me on the receiving end. The voices have also started what they call the "Eating Game" although it should be called the "Not Eating Game". 

Basically when i am eating they make the food in my mouth go to the front so you cannot swallow, digest & eat the food & they do their best to stop me from chewing as well. I hate when they do this to me, it makes eating very frustrating if i can eat at all. The say it is is a challenging game & they have every right to play the game. But again it is simply because they have unlimited time & nothing better to do! My only option is to swallow whatever i have chewed, hence the no swallowing thing! I have had 495 episodes since 2009 when the voices started in my head. 

I am sick of having Episodes. How can i stop them? 

For more information & to know how bad they get, to read more please click the link below.

Tuesday 7 May 2024


After doing my Graduate Diploma of Professional Legal Training (Please click here for more information) to go from being a Solicitor to becoming a Lawyer since already having done a Juris Doctorate (Please click here for more information) (The equivalent to a Masters in Law except my first BA was in something other than law so it is for post graduates only).

Sadly the voices think i am a "No Hoper" & made it difficult for me to listen & do phone advice. KLC decided to just get me to do Face to Face advice since i would have better chance of engaging with the persons involved & less chance the voices in my head taking over & making me useless, but no chance, again sadly the voices, mainly women in my head (Please click here for more information) decided that because i was a "No Hoper" that they would enter my head & stop be being able to do that as well. So sadly i have not finished my volunteer work need to complete my Graduate Diploma of PLT & become a fully pledged Lawyer. I should have already completed PLT & being instated to the bar via a ceremony at The Downing Court Centre! 

I am working as a volunteer Solicitor at Kingsford Legal Centre (KLC), the Eastern Suburbs Community Legal Centre. Due to Bad mental health sadly postponed August till November when i will restart at KLC volunteering again.  

Wednesday 17 April 2024

174. WHAT IS GOING ON? I AM GROVER (Thank you to Sesame Street) & PLEASE I WANT MY LIFE BACK!

i do not know what is going on with Heaven (Please click here for more information) that i hear in my head. I have been having "Episodes" weekly which is shocking. During those episodes i cannot sleep, i cannot eat, i cannot drink & i even have troubles talking because the voices do not want to hear me talking out loud whereas when i talk in my head they can make it so that they do not hear me. 

The voices i hear reakon they know me, but how can they know me when i have not been myself since 2009 which is when the schizophrenia started. I miss being me. I should sound like a little kid in my head since my soul is only 3 years 6 months old after dying in my second life as Aaron Rothschild (Please click here for more information) & in my first life i only lived until 3 years 2 1/2 months old as Jesus (Please click here for more information). Supposedly the youngest soul imaginable.

My nickname is Grover (Please click here for more information to test yourself to see how mental aware you are). Yes i do my best but always seem to stuff things up, plus i unintentionally make Grover sounds all day long if you are listening to me & i am able to talk with the voices in my head. 

The louder i scream "I want my life back" the more the voices in my head treat me like shit. (Please click here for more information).

Friday 29 March 2024


The female voices that i hear in my head are all in "Heaven" (Please click here for more information) & they all know i want to have fun. Whenever i am having fun these women "Harness" (please click here for more information) which means they have fun whilst i sit sad & depressed & they do not care because they have done this for 3-8 years. These women could "Lay Dormant" when i have fun which means i would have fun plus they would have fun plus i would not even know they exist. These women because they "Harness" & can only do this by being in my head means they place "Hypnotics" on my head to harm my eyes so they do not hear what my brain recalls when i look at things, stop me from thinking so they do not have to hear my thoughts & also make it so i cannot be heard even though they are in my head without my permission all to accomodate themselves.. The level of selfishness & arrogance that these women have is beyond understandable. Their only excuse "We are in the afterlife"??? or "We know Hypnotics"???. The women also believe that they have every right to give me an episode (Please click here for more information) & do so on almost a weekly basis becasue they get off on causing me pain. They don't have White Light around themselves & expect me to make them feel good. Why? Because i can, & they are too lazy or riddled with hypnotics (Please click here for more information) to know any better.

If i try & set these women straight & point out they are "Sadistic" they then are twice as sadistic as before. How can i make them stop.  
Women shut up please!

Why are Men not a problem? Please click the below link to read more.

Saturday 2 March 2024


Happy Mardi Gras 2024 to all those I have love for & I guess those I do not have love for as well! Lol.
I know I am getting old when I have no party tickets after my first party in 1995! 

Well it is Mardi Gras & I should be off my face but sadly not. Why? Not from lack of trying but because the voices I hear in my head are "Harnessing" (Please click here for more information) which means they are high & feel amazing & I feel absolutely nothing at all. Completely sober which is boring as shit on this night of the year! But then you would think at least on my birthday the voices would give me a break... but sadly no chance then either so I guess my fault for expecting different! Please save up some love for me?

Thursday 25 January 2024


Wonderful friends, Tara, Kieren, Me, Andrew, Lenie & Robbie
19th January 2024 was my 47th Birthday & to celebrate i had dinner with friends at Tropicana (Please see Photo). Sadly even on my birthday the number of women in my head with the world's worst oras & without White Light (Please click here for more information) around them treating me like shit that even on my birthday i did not have the best day. I managed to get my hands on some Pot, yes marijuana, and it was not until this week when i smoked it that it had an amazing effect or i do believe someone that i hold all the love in the world for (Present (Please click here for more information)) took affirmative action. Karl Josef Silberbauer & Jenny Rothschild that took turns in making my life misery passed on/reincarnated & around 500 women that had spent at least 3 years doing nothing but "Harness" (Please click here for more information) & treat me like shit. Why? Because i have always been treated like shit so they had no self control to stop. They all passed on/reincarnated. OMG HAAAALEYYYYAAA! HOW FANTASTIC, WHAT I COULD ONLY DREAM OF HAVING DONE FOR MY BIRTHDAY. However, the large numbers of women that observed the 500 Hypnotic Whores (Please click here for more information) that have now decided to take up from where they left off is seriously doing my head in. 

I cannot handle in my head how many women have decided because of what they seen the other women do (harness & treat me worse than shit for at least 3 years or longer) that they will now do the same???

Sick of hearing in my head that i am an asshole when i do my best not to be one!