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Saturday, 31 December 2022


Photo taken 31/12/2022
Yeah last year, sorry to say, was pretty shithouse! This year in May I start my Diploma of PLT which stands for Professional Legal Training as you no longer sit the bar exam to become a lawyer instead you do the diploma. Why? (Please click here for more information). I did start it this year online but the voices in my head were too harendous & I was not able to do it. Hopefully this year knowing what the consequences are to the afterlife (Please click here for more information) that I will get my life back & have a good year. I guess we will soon see. Sadly both Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information) & Annette (Please click here for more information) although neither of them reached "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) so neither belong in the afterlife but for some stupid reason the afterlife who claims to hate them keeps bringing them back to the afterlife & into my head. Totally unfair. Surely this year could not be as painful & as nasty as the year that just past. I am so sick & tired of hearing the afterlife in my head. 

Happy New Year to everyone. 
Good voices I have love for you. 
Nasty voices I hear please go fuck yourself! 
And really hard too, do yourself in properly please! 
You are detrimental to both me & yourself. 

The amount of fun i could be having without voices (afterlife) in my head is unbelievable!!! 

Friday, 23 December 2022

140. THIS SONG I KEEP PLAYING - Miley Cyrus feat. WATT, Elton John, Yo-Yo Ma, Robert Trujillo, Chad Smith.

Thanks to Youtube & Miley Cyrus for this song. 
Please subscribe here:
LYRICS TO SONG - Nothing Else Matters By Miley Cyrus featuring WATT, ELton John, Yo-Yo Ma, Robert Trujillo, Chad Smith.

Friday, 9 December 2022


Both Karen (left) & her friend (right) where in my head for the longest time causing mayhem but about 3-4 years ago both passed on to their new lives. I have plenty of love for both of them. Photo taken by "Henryk Ross" (Please click here) of them both at Lodz Ghetto back when i lived a life as "Aaron Rothschild" (Please click here for more information). Karen wanted to play house & the other play shop & both wanted to use me as their dolly which i was not having & luckily "Stephano" (Please click here for more information) who could hear my frustration like a dark cloud had come over the ghetto would save me from both of them. Back when all the children which included them both were taken to Chelmno i was the only surviving child at Lodz Ghetto because i fell over because i was so little & could not keep up with them as they were taken from the ghetto. At Chelmno the kids were rapped & then under "Joanna Davie's" (Please click here for more information) command killed. Karen seen her friend get raped & had her first period in shock so Robert Davies, "Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information) thought she had already been raped. They recruited her to help kill Jewish people. Karen shot her mum dead before she get off the train! She had become more evil than when she wanted to use me to play house! At Auschwitz Karen would have been cold blooded & ruthless however Robert Davies fucked her in the ass & being as young as she was assumed she must now be pregnant so Robert hearing that she was pregnant put a bullet in her head!

Both girls at Lodz Ghetto dreamt to grow up together which the holocaust took away from them as they were both killed. Now Reincarnated as next door neighbours so they will get their dreams growing up together. 

What were these girls like whilst in my head? Please read on.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022


Sometimes WITH & WITHOUT help i have managed to remove nasty souls that are in my head that have mistreated me rather badly by sending, or should I say throwing them into the white light where God/Number 7 (Please click here for more information) reincarnated them to the best of its abilities (Please click here for more information). Does the afterlife not understand how nasty these souls are??? None of them want to do anything but hypnotics (Please click here for more information) in the afterlife. They have no-one to watch over or do not want to watch over anyone anymore & they are easy to spot because they do not have white light (Please click here for more information) around them. Usually level 5 Ora, Yep that is the bloody worst you can get. Talk about doing detriment to oneself. I need them out of my head because, fuck me dead, they are destroying & ruining my life & my happiness!

Souls in the afterlife totally disrespect the real God/Number7/White light (Please click here for more information) that places souls via reincarnation by bringing them back (ie. killing the animal or human) into my head & clearly not giving a shit about me.

Why is, bringing souls that have entered the white light back especially if they did not reach optimal so selfish & disrespectful? Plus what is "Optimal"? 

Please read on.

Monday, 5 December 2022


A boy named Cliffard (18 years old) as he died of cancer so is in the afterlife decided to gain all the knowledge he could on "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) & entered my head without my permission & made my brain throb in a bad way. He spent his life sick because of Chemo mostly in bed vomiting. He did his best not to make people sad. We got talking & turns out he is really nice although needs to learn affirmative action. LOL. He is friends with "Number 7" (Please click here for more information). After me being abused mainly by Gloria (Please click here for more information) & two other "Hypnotic Whores" (Please click here for more information) I needed a break & he managed to make it so there were no souls in my head (Please click here for more information) then & until the end of the next day. 
Thank you to him.

It turns out Cliffard did not reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) which sadly means they will not or cannot listen to reason until they go with the good voice with all the reasons to go with it. 
& was only allowed into the afterlife because he was told at death that there was a man in a cage in the afterlife that he would be drawn towards. The reason being is this man placed a hypnotic on him that caused the cancer that killed him. Cliffard does not like being told what to do & did not face the man in the cage instead only wanted to place hypnotics which are nasty & turned on me

He is now removing hypnotics & realised how detrimental they are to both him & me. Finally he is being a lifesaver like I thought he could be when I first knew him.

Did Cliffard & I know each other in a past life? 
Please read on.

Monday, 28 November 2022


The last few weeks, sorry to complain, have been rather average to say the least. The amount of souls in the afterlife that keep bringing assholes back to the afterlife or my head. If it's before your time or your a good soul being thrown through the pearly gates or into the light will not work, an image will appear in red & you will come back to the afterlife. This is how you know that bringing back anyone else is the wrong thing to do & totally disrespecting "Number 7" (Please click here for more information). "Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information), Croatia & Chap (Please click here for more information) are deadly & kill every dream or plan i have & bloody well keep being brought back to the afterlife & into my head. I am so fucken over it & that is an understatement. I have no time or respect for souls that just want to place "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) because they have nothing better to do or they think that is the answer to avoiding the consequences (Please click here for more information). Some souls think we need Karl to avoid the consequences but seriously need to get a reality check on what will occur & what Karl will do if he is in the afterlife with hypnotics when i die.When souls loose the white light around themselves due to placing hypnotics or because they have chosen or decided to "Harness" (Please click here for more information) YET immediately expect me to provide a feel good sensation to make them feel good. All i hear is souls calling me asshole & cunt & telling me they need to feel good. I have lost count of the number of souls i have had to deal with since this started back in 2009!

What about me? When do i get fun & privacy from voices??? They will not even shut up when i have a person in front of me talking which means i miss out on what they are saying!

Saturday, 5 November 2022

135. REMEMBERING FUN ROLLER SKATING! Alan Dowsett (Jock Hudson).

I was not the best Artistic Roller Skater 
BUT I may have been the Worlds tallest at 6'5" tall (196cm)

After quitting in 1995 (My last skating routine in 1995 seen below) & becoming a party boy I returned to Roller Skating in 1999. I was outdone easily by all the boys that had not quit in 1995 like myself & they had continued roller skating all those years in between championships. I was the last Skater to Skate my short program that evening in 1999 which made me nervous that everyone wanted to leave the building rather than watch me skate after how great every other Skater had skated. I may have come last place, not sure as i never checked, but I enjoyed every minute

1999 - World Titles - Short Program (2 min routine) - Senior Division - Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

1999 - World Titles - Long Program (4 min routine) - Senior Division - Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.

1995 - 4th Place - World Junior Championships - Short Program (2 min routine) - Junior Mens (Under 18 years old) Division - Bucaramanga, Columbia, South America.

In 1995 I travelled an epic journey from Sydney Australia across America via Los Angeles & across to Miami before reaching Bogota & then Bucaramanga to compete in the first Junior World Championships held. I was the first Skater to Skate in the event opening night which may have been a good thing as it meant i did not have time to get nervous so probably why i skated my best & ended up Fourth place.

1989 - 1st Place - Australian National Championships - Juvenile Boys (10-12 years old) Division - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 

This year back in 1989, although a little bit unsteady, & when i was only 12 years old was the first year i became Australian National Champion. Not only that year did I become Australian National Juvenile Free-Skating Champion but I also won & became Australian National Juvenile Figure Skating Champion. I won both events that year. Combined Champion.

Back at Taren Point Roller Skating Rink practising heel camels & Inverted camels with Lauren Nichols (Crawford).

Artistic Roller Skating made my butt in such good shape I could be a porn star.

Friday, 4 November 2022


I am so happy with the new tattoo Symbol! 02/12/2022.

The tattoo under my arm & the stretching star of happiness on my back shoulder (Please click here for more information) I love & will always love & I was so happy when those tattoos were done. Sadly the thing on my shoulder was not what I designed & not what I wanted & I was so unhappy with the top half of the tattoo which is not even straight like I wanted but the day that I got that tattoo done I was nervous about how much pain I would feel whilst being tattooed since it had been so long since I had gotten a tattoo that I did not concentrate & make sure the guy did what I wanted instead of ignoring me (Please click here for more information).  I investigated having it removed by the laser clinician told me that it would take a couple of years & a couple of grand easily & there were no promises that it could be fully removed which made me unhappy. Anyways I have decided rather than remove is that I need another tattoo on my arm to combat what I do not like so that I do like it. It will be the symbol "I am not afraid to be judged by others". When my shoulder is back all the symbols that include (from top to bottom) "I am approachable" & "My wishes come true" & "Every second of everyday life gets better in every way". 

Tattoo was completed by Marty Creek (Please click here for more information) 02/12/2022

Tuesday, 1 November 2022


The evil souls running Auschwitz are the same as the Survivors???
At Auschwitz you had the Jewish people that were being fed sewage, exterminated & sent into underground chambers & gassed/killed (Please click here for more information). You also had the people like Croatia, Gloria, Frieda, Annette, Carol, Karl & Chap & a girl name unknown that lived it up at Auschwitz & had pool parties & stole everything from the Jewish people especially, like "Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information), from the expensive trains unlike the cattle carriages that were being diverted to Auschwitz in the later days. Croatia, Gloria, Annette, Carol, Frieda & Chap who I hear as voices in my head are pictured here having fun & only survived Auschwitz because when the Americans liberated Auschwitz they swapped clothing with the Jewish people & wore their stripped clothing instead of them & so the Americans shot the Jewish people not noticing how emaciated & thin they were & let the assholes that were running the place that were plump with their hair done survive. I have heard Croatia & Gloria both in my head claim she survived Auschwitz but neglects to mention that it was because she swapped clothing with a Jewish person. Croatia, Frieda, Annette, Gloria, Carol & girl name unknown have been problems in my head because souls think they were true survivors & they drop to their knees for them & because they are in love with Karl. They are in love with Karl because he managed to gain the most amount of money from the Jewish souls, besides Joanna Davies & Robert Davies who assumed Jenny Rothschilds & Emil Rothschilds identities & their bank accounts (Please click here for more information), & therefore keeps bringing him back to my head. They say how horrible it was wearing the stripped clothing & even worse wearing the clothes given to them as seen in photo right.

How well did these people live & entertain themselves at Auschwitz? 

Did they have big pool party celebrations? Please read on.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022


Well after no voices in my head in last blog the voices have been pretty consistent & no letting up. Last night i thought the worst thing, because before bed somehow "Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information) returned to my head so i figured life was over for me. However today i wake & something is different, he is different & he actually has "White Light" (Please click here for more information) around him which he never had done before. He seems to recall when we were "Twin Brothers" (Please click here for more information) & dare i say it seems to have my best interest at heart?. I am still in amazement & he even made me giggle today as i drove home from the city. Does this new Karl have my back? I hope so coz it means a few things like maybe i will now get to enjoy life to the full again meaning, for the Afterlife, there would be "No Consequences" (Please click here for more information). Hopefully Karl has learnt from each time occurance of "Equilibrium" (Please click here for more information) meant that instead of being nasty to me & treating me like shit & playing games on my head, he should have in fact saved me & treated me well in order to succeed at his dreams. I guess you could say that now his happiness depends on my happiness. 

Turns out Karl could not turn things around! He got brought back again, seriously why? I have no way of stopping souls entering my head & I cannot handle the hatred & jealousy I feel from souls Karl teaches his hatred for me. (Please click here for more information).

Friday, 23 September 2022


Photo 2008

After a tough few weeks, i woke up Saturday afternoon after a really bad morning but this time things were different. I was shocked how quiet things in my head were. I slept a bit more & then again awake i realized things were different, there were no voices in my head. The only problem is that is has been almost fourteen years since i was, i guess you could say normal, & had no voices in my head. I need to learn how to talk to myself again. I used to have a four second tension span (diagnosed at the Narrabeen Sports Camp back in the 1990's) basically the tension span of a four year old which makes sense if you know of "My Past Lives" (Please click here for more information). Not sure if it has changed or not, trying to hear my thoughts like i used to do was rather odd to say the least & was difficult for me but i loved no voices as the quietness was heaven to me. The afterlife was still in my head, i could hear them as they listen to me start going about my business. I am not sure what i am meant to sound like in my head anymore. Some people have heard my voice in my head when i am really relaxed & myself & said it sounds like a clueless little four year old which i do remember used to confuse a lot of people. When souls heard the young clueless little kid, usually it followed by me yelling as i got assaulted by Karl & hypnotics in the afterlife so a lot of souls didn't realize it was both me & only liked me because i protected the young soul. Over time since having voices in my head means i am not relaxed & mostly unable to be myself the young clueless little kid got heard less & less, in fact almost never at all. Karl told everyone that i killed the young clueless little kid as i gave up protecting him. Sadly i suffered a lot from souls that believed this & had never checked out what my soul looks like which if they did they would discover i am probably "The Youngest Soul Imaginable" (Please click here for more information) & the clueless little kid.

I guess it does not matter as by the next day voices, without my permission, filled my head again. Souls in the afterlife couldn't handle how quiet it was & i was able, although difficult, to talk to myself after so long not able to talk to myself at all. They re-entered my head.

Monday, 5 September 2022


Photo taken 2022

Still hearing countless voices that i do not know. Finally i think "Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information) is now gone after entertaining everyone with my life experiences & then gets them to "Harness" (Please click here for more information) everything i do. Talk about a nasty character that is jealous for some reason. He tells everyone not to read my blog posts & talk about the nastiest "Games On My Head" (Please click here for more information) where the main objective is to make me unhappy & to force myself to kill myself. 

If your reading this blog from beginning to end your probably wondering what happened to Jenny Rothschild my mum when i was "Aaron Rothschild" (Please click here for more information). Emil Rothschild is still up in the afterlife. But a soul even in the afterlife can only take so much & after being tortured by Karl one to many times she passed onto her next life. Three times later she has reincarnated not by choice but because her soul cannot take the abuse that she gets from souls in the afterlife. One time there was a horrible gurgling sound as she passed on to the next life which only i could hear, although the whole time mostly protecting me. A little confused back in 2010-2011 as to who i was initially but after she worked it out she was my rock for the longest time, still is, although i struggle to please her by ensuring her i will "Soldier on"! What is sad & hard to deal with is that it was her (Cage Keepert) & Karl (whom was meant to be in a cage) that seen me glow when i reached "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) aged 32 in year 2009 & why my life was taken from me back then (Please click here for more information).

Mans best friend, Dog.

Thank goodness for the voices that i hear in my head that do support & help me like Ralph, Vans, Sarah, Kara, Katie (When she was good & had white light around her), Clara (When she was good & had white light around her), George, Ms Sporty Spice, Miss Swahili, Eliza, Colleen, Susan, Samuel, Stephano Monkey, Papa Rick, Geoff, Jacob, Mrs Sunshine, Marilyn & Vanessa, Nanna Rothschild (Plus Popsicle Rothschild), Katherine Jones & her girls, Emil Rothschild, Ms Ribena Berry, Ms Caroline, Vanessa, Marilyn, Brian, Roxette, Elspbeth, Miss Texas, Fatso & girlfriend, Larisa, Tabitha & sorry to anyone else i am forgetting that has been helping me attempt to have fun & a life. 

Saturday, 20 August 2022


"Karl Josef Silberbauer" (Please click here for more information) is back in my head. Why? Because souls in the afterlife were bored & wanted to do "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) & brought him back into my head along with every soul that never had permission to enter my head & has been nasty to me. Means no life for me & definitely no fun for me. They still "Harness" (Please click here for more information) & prefer Karl has fun whereas i do not get any which means they do not want to avoid consequences of me being mistreated for "Almost 14 Years Now & Counting" (Please click here for more information). Well the other day "I Got off My Face" (Please click here for more information) & whenever i give off a good effect Karl takes credit, although he has done nothing, & expects to be thanked. So many souls were gladly eating his shit & enjoying it just as much as he does. Yes he thinks that his shit does not stink, where as i am well aware mine does, although i love a good old fart but that is where is lies. I was so embarrassed for all those souls. Karl feels that he is God which he will never be if you know the truth about "God" (Please click here for more information).

Why would you eat someones shit? I do not get it? Proves nothing by making someone eat your shit. They will not think you are "God" (Please click here for more information). Karl thinks differently, he can't get enough of his own shit!!! 

Have souls been around too long that they eat shit? Please read on.

Saturday, 13 August 2022


This photo is not as scary as it looks
Katherine Jones as mentioned in this blog site has been a voice in my head for years & she is an amazing sexy lady (Please click here for more information). Her main drive to be a Medical Practitioner in the 1900's was to be able to save wounded soldiers that wartime had caused them to loose limbs & she specialized in becoming an outstanding leader in producing prosthetics for anyone with a missing limb or needing limb reconstruction surgery although sadly how she achieved greatness is sadly tainted & would be seen, as shown, as one of the worst photographs taken in the history of time. Originally she was positioned in a first Aid camp in North-East Poland set up to care for wounded soldiers that had crossed the boarder to conquer Russia (Please click here for more information). Please note if you learn about this camp as i did on the internet it now lists it as being a concentration/death camp & gives a map of Auschwitz (Please click here for more "True" information) instead of being a safe haven for military. She killed herself being at Auschwitz.

Katherine had the most nurses known to man working for each of her patients (ratio 6:1 she attempted) as she tried to save as many from being gassed as she could. A lot survived thanks to her.

Did she go too far? Please read on by clicking link below.

Friday, 12 August 2022


When you reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) you no longer need a white lighter but i have been mistreated so badly by the afterlife that i now have three white lighters. Samuel who was my original White Lighter up until 2009 (Please click here for more information) is back being my White Lighter again & now also Stephano Monkey & Papa Rick. 

Now if you have seen "Chucky" the TV series (Please click here for more information) you will know what i am dealing with (Please see photographs below). Stephano Monkey used to be Marc Wilcox's Boyfriends who was mute in a past life (Please click here for more information) & he often copes it from me when he is not protecting me & sadly after the week i have had you do not wanna see the state poor Stephano Monkey is in BUT I PROMISE AFTER TONIGHT HE WILL BE AS GOOD AS NEW (Please click here for more information)

When these characters are not doing anything & basically the voices in my head are treating me so badly i cannot cope I sadly take it out on them. As seen in the photo below i made them both sit & face the wall & placed them in the corner of the room (GAVE THEM TIME OUT!) so that meant they could not see what was going on or participate in anything. It made me cry having to do this to them but i cannot tolerate bad behaviour as i needed their help. They happily accept me sharing the love i have for them but admittedly say they are best to stay out of my problems.

I have love for Samuel, Stephano Monkey & Papa Rick to the moon & back! I should be so lucky to have them as White Lighters!

Find out more about these three? Please read on by clicking the link below.

Thursday, 11 August 2022


Laying low with ALF (Gordon Shumway) until the shit that hit the fan clears down. But heck if the alien (ALF) gets to much for me, i just play the song "Maniac" from flashdance 
(Please click here for hyper speed version) & he knows all the dance moves & crashes out like a 3.5 almost 4 year old. LOL.

Did i get my life back like i thought i was when equilibrium occurred in last blog post. NO. Instead i had a woman bring back every soul that i never needed in my head back into my head. Talk about sadistic & nasty. Sadly she is miss popularity in the afterlife so because of that & her placing hypnotics (Please click here for more information) & influence on every one she knows means i have been rather mistreated since her entering into my head to say the least. She actually entered my head three years ago & has been depriving me of life & endorphin rushes ever since. She is the antagonist for harnessing my good vibes & endorphin rushes whilst at the gym (Please click here for more information). She reckons she should be thanked for making them extreme although it has been me that has missed out for more than three years now. She has been around since biblical days & deprived Jesus when he was killed on the cross. She may have been the driving force to stakes in his hands (Please click here for mroe information). She believes i should die the same way & wishes me dead. She is even making Karl Josef Silberbauer who naturally is back (Please click here for more information) look angelic although always a cunt (Please click here for more information regarding language in this site). Apparently she had a daughter before Jesus & Christ (Please click here for more information) were born & believes because back then before Buddhism (Please click here for more information) it was thought that if a baby were born to the king of the palace then they were born from heaven & a god rather than human from humanity that she should be blessed. She is obsessed with depriving me of life like she did in biblical days! To make matters worse this lady's best friend is another woman who did not reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) & should not be in the afterlife. She is convinced she is gonna cure me of being homosexual. Yes self obsessed & self righteous & to complete it all off another lady with a skanky pussy that reeks of crutcholla! Neither have white light around themselves (Please click here for more information).

On a good note, 1 of the 508 ladies (Please click here for more information) named Carla got her shit together??? Plus “Nasty/Stupid Bitch” Kara (Please click here for more information) is back but OMG is now a cage keeper & placed one woman & Karl in a cage. Thank you!

Could i hear Olivia Newton-John??? Am I seriously blessed or seriously dreaming??? or both??? (Please click here for more information).

Sunday, 7 August 2022



I discovered since equilibrium tonight occurred & silence was heard for the first time since Tuesday when i was out in the sun & a similar type thing occurred in my head, so i knew what was going on tonight, that it was this day & date, August 2009, an anniversary date, from when I discovered voices in my head, without my permission, & I worked out they were playing a game (Please click here for more information) & I realized I did not, back then, have the knowledge I have now (Please read blog that starts 0 blog until blog post 124 or click here for start) to participate or an understanding of hypnotics (Please click here for more information) & felt I was out of my league. I cried my eyes out as I ask them politely to please never include me again. Jenny Rothschild (Please click here for more information) Katherine Jones (Please click here for more information), Kate (Please click here for more information) & Scott we’re present & they all did it, but said it WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN??? But as I laid my head on the pillow I heard from whom I now know was Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information) “I’ll take that” which I thought odd but what I didn’t realize is that self centered CUNT (Please click here to explain language used in this blog) took the HUMAN PROTECTION meant for me away from me that night which meant I did not get my life back in 2009.

Tonight or should I say morning, does that mean I got my life back??? that should never have been taken from me August 2009??? Because i reached "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) they found me as you let off a unmistakable glow & easily seen.

What did that mean? Please read on by clicking link below.

Saturday, 23 July 2022


Last week things were looking up as i finally got new tattoo work done that i had been wanting done for the longest time (Please click here for more information and refer to pic). Sadly the afterlife, which are where the voices i hear in my head are coming from, went to extremes to make sure last week was one of the worst i have had yet. Although every week if i have not been making them feel good enough they absolutely cunt me by bring back souls that have gone to the core, into the light or passed on to their next lives, whatever that maybe, that i have been relieved to say the least to have gone from my head, straight back into my head which i have no defenses against. I thought the afterlife was for souls that reached "Optimal" & enjoy the pleasures of watching over their loved ones & is a place worth saving if the consequences of they way i have been treated do occur (Please click here for more information). It seems the afterlife is just for selfish arrogant souls that only think about themselves & do not give a shit about human life & all they want to do is place hypnotics (Please click here for more information)? Why? Because they can place them automatically??? THIS WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE!!! Where is your valid reason for placing one??? Please explain??? Or i am not even in the same category as someone they would watch over??? Why is that when i point out to a soul they have gone too far with their evilness, a selfless thing to do, they decide they have nothing to loose & behave even worse instead of taking it as constructive criticism & turning things around right away. No need to thank me if you have turned things around that is probably the only enjoyment i get.

How bad could the voices in my head which are in the afterlife get?
Seriously how many rocks can souls crawl out from under???
Some souls have been in afterlife too long & lost touch with reality!!!
They keep telling me their time is unlimited but this is my time they are wasting but they do not give a shit! 

How nasty can the afterlife be? Please read on by clicking link below.

Friday, 24 June 2022


Generally speaking white people like the English come from cold climates yet love baking themselves in the sun & love the warmer weather. Black people generally speaking come from warm climates & enjoy the colder climates. With this said it makes sense that black & white people were meant to meet & integrate but sadly white people had arrogant ways (Please click here for insight into indigenous Australia) & did not integrate well to say the least & enslaved black people. Today's population should predominately be caramel-lo since blacks & whites should have integrated peacefully. 

Shame White & Black did not integrate as God intended & that we are not all now Caramel-lo. Heck all the money i would save on sunbeds! 
God/Number 7 is every soul on earth combined with every soul in the afterlife combined in a form of energy, with human abilities, that appears as White Light & wanted integration. 

God cannot be a man or women? But God is man & women is also correct. Plus why the name Number 7?
Please read on by clicking link below.

Wednesday, 11 May 2022


I maybe "Schizophrenic & have Psychosis" (Please click here for more information) so i hear the afterlife in my head all day long, but what if say some soul that did reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) that is in the afterlife wants to communicate with you? Only souls that reach "Optimal" (Please click here for more information) are in the afterlife whereas everyone else either stays in the "Living Dead" or goes straight up into the light. Sorry but I cannot communicate with the "Living Dead"(Please click here for more information). If I am asleep I can sense them but that is about it. No soul should & hopefully cannot make you schizophrenic or they should not because it is against the laws of the afterlife but they can easily speak to you when your asleep & dreaming which is ok for them to do. The only problem is that when you wake up you forget your dreams & cannot remember what happened in them after waking up. That is why you should have pen & paper beside the bed so that way when you wake up & initially remember what you dreamt you can write down what happened or what was said. Also if you have questions you can write them down & have them answered. Unless you are like me that has lucid dreams & can take action whilst dreaming & remembers them.

If you want to communicate with the afterlife either message me or leave them a written note beside your bed & speak with them in your dreams BUT write them down so you can remember them. 
This is good advice. 

Saturday, 30 April 2022


A lady named Beth who wants to play a game (Please click here for more information) basically the game of "Search & Destroy" invented by Karl Josef Silberbauer (Please click here for more information). In order to do so she places a hypnotic (Please click here for more information) a so called game motivator on her head & everybody else's head whether they like it or not. Souls used to place this hypnotic on my head but placed it so many times it got burnt into my overlay/soul. The hypnotic is "Alan Dowsett (Jock Hudson) is the worlds biggest cunt/asshole" which means i get treated super nastily. Everything from head pains, back pain, eye pain, knee pain & testicular pain & of course "Harnessing" (Please click here for more information) one of the most selfish concepts known to man, It is nasty beyond compare & I am sick & tired of it. The worst part is that Beth keeps doing this over & over again. She does not even register that she does not have white light (Please click here for more information) around herself.

I hate hypnotics & do not want any on me please & do not want anyone in my head that has one on theirs that affects their behaviour, personality, character or being able to put things in correct perspective. 

Saturday, 2 April 2022


I just do not understand why the afterlife that i am hearing in my head will not let me enjoy life? It would be in their best interest to "Lay Dormant" & let me enjoy & love life again because otherwise if i was to die the consequences, which cannot be avoided by "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) are extreme due to what has happened to me due to "Hypnotics" (Please click here for more information) & due to the games placed on my head (Please click here for more information) & "Harnessing" (Please click here for more information). They would be unable to move, hear or see, have difficulties talking, no ability to talk in their own heads & have troubles thinking & will not be attached to their overlays that might be in pieces because that has been taken away from me in this life (Please click here for more information). Souls in the afterlife were playing hypnotic games 18/06/2022 but not in a hypnotic atmospheres to keep them safe from regular souls. One soul managed to stop me from thinking? So the consequences are far worse than expected. You will not be able to talk in your heads & you will not be able to think if someone does get in your head since your deaf to ask you a question anyways. Watch over loved ones??? But you will not be able to think?

Will it mean melting pot for those that are "Hypnotic Whores?" (Please click here for more information). (those that do not have "White Light" (Please click here for more in formation) & have the worst Ora at level 5 Ora). Yes melting pot does hurt since is going back further than going to the core which reduces your overlay from human to a starting point again, whereas melting pot explodes your overlay into tiny small pieces so when it comes back together it is a new overlay or seen as a green dot to start again at the core all the progressions needed to live to eventually become human again. No more "Heaven?" (Please click here for more information.

The solution is easy, you do not need hypnotics, just let me enjoy life & the love of life i had before becoming schizophrenic & hearing voices (Please click here for more information) would return & then no consequences at all? Simple? It is not rocket science. I reached "Optimal" in this life. So let me live & have fun! I wanna go to bed excited about tomorrow!

What more should the afterlife do. Please read on by clicking link below. 

Tuesday, 29 March 2022


When i die (Please click here for more information) apparently i will go past the highest level in the afterlife & be with the Galactic Cuties on a UFO that they call Numb-skull & I call Numb-Sicle (Please click here for more information) I turned up there by mistake & they threw me onto him by accident, the largest most untamed UFO they have & for some reason decided he liked me. (Why Earth will not have UFO's please click here). Souls in the afterlife have been placing hypnotics (Please click here for more information) on Numb-Sicle because they are selfish & want to ride him & want him to be theirs. A couple of girls turned him from the largest creature into a Chihuahua which caused him damage. So many souls do not care about him & only care about themselves (Please click here for more information). One unselfish girl, a horse whisperer & her friend, have been hanging out with numb-Sicle & lucky for us they avoid hypnotics completely or as best that she can. She is attempting to teach him how to read. LOL. 

Every time he came looking for me as he could sense me souls placed hypnotics on him that he could not handle & he almost died. Hopefully UFO's are protected from hypnotics & not harmed.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022


Well it first started long before 5th December 2018 (Please click here for more information) when I stopped feeling my endorphin rushes at the gym & back then i was feeling the opposite, feeling sick and nauseous. Even a post written on 9th February 2019 (Please click here for more information) explained how i still was not feeling an endorphin rush at the gym like i should. Same as my dopamine rushes that I do not get to feel. Well it still continues. The afterlife instead of "Laying Dormant" & letting me feel the endorphin rush or anything else "Harnesses" or "Obtains" or "Receives" or"Acquires" (Please click here for more information) my rush & more so that i feel nothing. The last time i was at the gym i did the unthinkable (Please click here for more information). The afterlife says that my endorphin rushes are so extreme that they should feel them & think they deserve to feel them more than i do, but is it not me that is providing them whether they are extreme or not? I cannot work out at the gym without my rushes especially when souls whom threaten me, treat me like shit & play games on my head are getting off on my rushes whilst i feel nothing. The selfishness of souls is unbelievable.

Photo taken 09/03/2022

I would have said that my endorphin rushes are so extreme is because i have not felt my endorphins properly for over four years now. Plus i think that God (Please click here for more information) wants me to be in shape & wants me to enjoy life. Why? Because if i do not enjoy & love life again like before the afterlife entered my head then the afterlife will suffer the consequences of the way i have been mistreated by them since 2009 & mostly because of a game. Apparently just recently (27/02/2022) when i was sleeping some soul who was playing a game on my head (Please click here for more information) managed to take away my hearing. That means if i die unhappy or due to hypnotics (Please click here for more information) the afterlife will have no control over any of their body parts, they will be blind, deaf, unable to speak in their own heads, have difficulty speaking out loud & will not be attached to their overlays, in fact their overlay may be in separate pieces. Not my fault. I have done my best to help the afterlife avoid the consequences but they still seem to be happier making me unhappy! Luckily some souls focus on making me happy & i do love them. I want the afterlife to exist & it should but it may work out that when you die you pass straight onward into the light instead or remain in the living dead. 

The Afterlife should allow me to enjoy & love life & working out at the gym by "Laying Dormant" so i feel my endorphin rushes & then i would work out twice as much at the gym & they could feel my extreme rushes twice as many times more. Also do they not know how detrimental (negative/bad) it is to themselves & "Harnessing" (Please click here for more information) is? 

Souls cannot honestly think bad behaviour will not have its repercussions? Please read on by clicking link below.